Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Keb Vs. Life 11/05/11


Doesn't the word just make you shudder?

I mean there has to be a reason as to why man invented the computer? (Other then to post rants insulting people) and I think it is this: so people like me don't have to learn how to do maths.

Okay, so maths can be useful...ish. It can be used to determine the overall intelligence of someone, because if you can work out trigonometry then you are my hero. The man who invented it must never of had a girlfriend - and believed his teachers when they said that smart people get the girls, and they do, if the smart people are also really cute.

We have to learn it for potential employers and universities right? I mean what high end art school doesn't want their students to know how to work out how many 'pairs of puffins' there are in the world (this was an actual question in the practice paper we did today, I'm serious)?

Granted you might want to know this if you wanted to be a conservationist - or are really, really sad and lonely - but for everyday life? Not so much.

I understand learning to count, and problem solving, but unless you want to be a mathematician (and I don't know why you would) or a high school maths teacher (if you do you are insane) - the rest is 99% of the time, useless.

And what's this calculator Vs. none calculator business? You can pretty much guarantee that outside exams I will use a calculator for every maths question I come up against - and if I don't have a calculator? I don't to the maths equation. Why? Because I have better things to do with my time than sit for an hour staring blankly at a page of numbers because even my sub-conscience thinks it's pointless and has blocked out the memory of me trying to learn how to answer the question.

While I'm picking on school subjects lets have a look at physics shall we. Because really Physics is just fancy maths. No physics, no. Go sit down in the corner - no one likes you. Except maybe Physicists, but why would you trust them? Then chose to become Physicists, obviously they are wrong in the head...

And for the record! My sister wanted to do triple science for a GCSE option right? If you do triple you get three GCSE's, if not you get two. But because the school wasn't happy with the control it already had, it decided to take away her 'options' (I use the term options loosely) by saying that to have to take a language - this filled up one of her oh so few slots.

Now okay, French might advance your career or get you better pay but sometimes it doesn't (and frankly there isn't a French teacher who doesn't scare me a little) and isn't the point of 'options' just that? It's OPTIONAL.

She was so upset with this. It's not fair. What if it stops her doing what she wants because she wasn't able to get that last science GCSE?

The high school system never ceases to amaze me to be honest. As long as it makes them look good it doesn't matter what we think, does it?

And the teachers and uniform? That's a whole other rant.

Kebby x

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