Friday, 13 May 2011

Keb V.s Life 13/05/11

Do you know what really bugs me? Like really, really bugs me?

When Blogger goes down for maintenance and deletes one of my posts and I can't remember what I said so it's now possibly lost forever. And when it removes my oh-so-brilliant new layout, that has just taken me half an hour to restore.
This is why I prefer paper to blogs.

I got a request today, to do a rant on P.E. So let's see what happens...

But before I go on, if you look in the left hand side of the blog, near the top there is a box. In this box it says: Follow by email. But here's the clever bit, if you type your email into the little white box underneath 'Follow by email' you will be emailed when I post a new blog. This way I don't have to continually post it on facebook. Brilliant no?

Right, anyway, to be honest I actually rather enjoy P.E so I don't have anything specifically aimed at the school subject. I do however seem to have the most hilarious group of students in my P.E lessons. I mean seriously, just watch us play rounders, you'll never laugh so hard in your life.

First of all, as a whole, we suck. I mean yeah there are a few of us who can throw, who can catch, who can bat and who can run - and there's only about one who can do all four - but mostly, we just suck.

You can pretty much put us all into these categories:
Over-enthusiastic fails

Their definitions are as follows:
Dancers: The people who are more groovy then movey.... wait I re-read that and saw how totally and completely OMG that sounded. But you get the picture. The people who are more Gymnastics, Dancing, Badminton kind of people - all they are really good for is making you laugh hysterically at their mockery of a run/throw/catch, though to be honest they can usually hit quite well.

Droppers: Anyone who has ever seen friends knows where this is going, these people may or may not be very good at everything else, except catching. I once watched someone go to catch the ball and it go straight through their hands and hit them smack damn in the middle of their forehead. It was the most fail of all failed catches I have ever seen in my life.

Flails: These are the ones who sort of stand there instead of trying to hit the ball and then dither on the spot before deciding whether or not they are going to run. Or a sub-breed of this is when they do run, but they run as though they are a spider on crack, arms and legs everywhere....

Over-enthusiastic fails: These are the ones who think they are awesome and end up screaming at you to run faster, or to stop at a post, or yell because you didn't catch the ball. These are the people you feel like going up to (with the rounders bat) and smacking them up-side the head with it.

Slippers: Maybe the funniest category of all, these are the people who do the most spectacular dives/trips and end up gamboling between posts, or sliding in on their knees to the last post. Even the fielding team can do this when they go to catch. God knows I've done it enough times XD

Finally there are the players who don't even deserve a category and have to go deep field, like so far back you'd have to be superman to hit it that far. Or the person who you pretend you don't see when it's there turn to bat and you just go in front of them.

And this is just Rounders XD

I also have a new favorite Youtube video:

Seriously, go watch it.

Kebby x

P.S subscribe via email, you know you want to ;)
P.P.S why are you still here? Go watch the youtube video. God.

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