Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Keb Vs. Life 15/06/11

Political correctness. Political correctness and Health and Safety. The definitions of these phrases are as follows:

Health and safety:
Telling us not to do the things our parents and common sense should have taught us - and then some.

Political correctness:
Making it three times as hard to explain anything. "I knew this black woman.... I mean this African-American none male... I mean vagina wielding African-American civilian."

Dude, I can't call you black, even though you are, because it might 'offend you' seriously? I don't get offended when people call me a lesbian, do you know why? Because I am a lesbian. Even if they say it as an insult, you shouldn't take it as one, because it's not an insult if it's true!

People seem to get 'insult' and 'description of self' mixed up. How? I'll never know.

But why? Where did this come from? It came from someone who decided to make a law about offending people. When I was little and I go offended this was my parents response: 'Wahhhh he called me an idiot.' 'Katie, you are an idiot, get over it'

Everyone gets offended by different things, what offends you, might not offend me, and so on. How do you make a law out of that? What happens if you get offended? Absolutely nothing. It's not like you get offended and the next day you wake up with cancer!

I went on a school trip once a couple years ago, and all the teachers who went get this nifty little piece of paper with the health and safety rules and regula-crap. On the list was 'Do not climb on the 8th story banister'

Really? It's just what I had planned to do on this trip where we were limited to the first three floors and the balcony doors were all locked. Oh damn, ruined my plans for the day.


Another ridicules phrase? Terms and Conditions.

Whoever says they have read the terms and conditions are LYING. They are bare faced, obvious, crappy liars. The only reason websites have them is because it's the law to do so, so if you're stupid enough to click a link that is quite obviously a virus you can't sue the website.

That's another thing, people seem to think they can sue other people because of their own stupidity. My mom works at Sainsbury's and she once had a customer come in and complain. What was the complaint? 'I spilled the orange juice all over me when I opened it, I demand you get me a new orange juice for free'

Let me think about that.... no.

Why, just why would you think they would actually go and give you a free orange juice because you failed to do what I learned to do when I was seven?

The human race never ceases to amaze me.

Kebby x

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