Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Keb Vs. Life 22/06/11

No more high school! After my leavers assembly next week I can walk out of those gates and never look back.

Though now I think about it, I couldn't wait to see the end of Primary school and then spent the next three years wishing I could go back to being eleven again. So maybe this isn't going to be any different.

Anyway enough with the pleasantries. The most hilarious thing has happened to me the other day. A couple of Bible preachers came to my door and after leaving them there for ten minutes (forgetting that they had seen me enter my house) I went and said hey. They opened with 'Thank you for opening the door'

....Because the ability to open the door is something so special, and you're thanking me after I blatantly left you outside for ten minutes?

Then they go 'Have you found Jesus?' my first thought was 'Why? Have you lost him?' the looks on their faces will stay with me forever I think XD

They asked me if my parents were in because they wanted to sell us some bibles. Now I would take all this in good nature, spend maybe fifteen minutes mocking them, and then send them on their way. Whereas my father (the only one in the house with me at the time) would more likely jab them with something sharp and slam the door in their faces.

I told them this, and they looked at me dumbly. Then I told them I was Gay and all Hell broke loose. The moment the words left my lips their passiveness vanished.

"You need Jesus!"
"God be with you child!"

Give it a rest you delusional twerps. You are more out of your minds than I am. Do you know there's a medical term for people who see and believe in things that aren't really there: Mentally insane.

One of my favorite lines from House M.D is:
Nun: Sister Augustine tends to believe in things that aren't real
House: I thought that was a job requirement for you people?

My favorite line is: Another life saved by girl on girl action. But that's totally unrelated.

Kebby x

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