It's December folks! How awesome is that it is only nineteen days until Christmas? Although the magic does go out of it a little bit when you reach my age and you know Santas not real but you still get the free things, even when your pile of presents in depressingly small because they are all handheld gadgets and gizmos that will last a weekend beofre you brake them.
It's also a little pointless when you get given money, because we all know that we are only going to spend it on tat and things on a whim that never amount to anything and away trickles your money. I suppose it is an ecuse to get drunk, and New Year is only five days later and that's always fun...
Unless you are like me and have to spend New Year with your family at a family friends house completely sober and surrounded by an assortment of small children.
It's not so bad though I suppose. When you think about it, I only have to wait two years before I am legally allowed to get drunk, and that's only, what? Two new years away, which really isn't that many to be honest. However, when you are my age everything takes forever so two years is going to feel like a thousand.
What really annoys me is how once you reach October every shop you enter get's their Christmas shizz out! We haven't even had Halloween and their like SANTA. Halloween is so much more fun anyway, free sweets, an excuse to get dressed up, and more importantly, Halloween parties! My parents reckon its the American form of begging, butI don't care - I'm too drunk to care ;)
That's a lie, I don't drink. I've only ever been tipsey like once. I texted my ex girlfriend and then confessed my love to a sixth former I'd never seen before in my life. Since then I have had an aversion to alcohol... ish.
Vodka and Coke all the way man ;)
Kebby x
Love it LOL