Thursday, 12 April 2012

TV shows that make me want to dig my brains out with a blunt spoon

I so wish I was being dramatic, kind of like most of the new shit shows we have on TV nowadays. Example? These real life sobby shitty sad stories where you get a camera and follow a celebrity though their lives. Do you know what I mean? Like that Katie Price one, and the Peter Andre one. What really bugs be about Andres one is his advert: "And I know you wanna know who I've been dating!" ....actually no, I didn't even... never even crossed my mind. I couldn't give a shit who you've been dating y'know. They only want you for your money anyway.

As a guilty pleasure I will admit to watching and enjoying Glee, however if it was replaced with something else, such as something with a plausable story line and indepth 3D characters, I wouldn't cry over it.

What happened to the good TV shows? Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, like House M.D, like M.A.S.H, like How I met your mother, like Friends. Stuff that was amazing and will live on forever in the boxsets of devoted fans? Jesus, is it so much to ask that while I'm channel flicking I don't see this:

Soap opera, cooking show, cooking show, reality TV, celebrity, Soap opera (and repeat)

Movies are just as bad.

Is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks that the TV guide is filled with absolute twaddle? It can't be surely.

I don't give two flying fucks about what some celebrity had for dinner last night, I want to watch a true to life TV show with Drama, Romance and a FUCKING PLAUSABLE STORY LINE with charcters that aren't just there to tick a box and let some teenager slot themselves into said character. I want role modals and realistic dreams. Not rubbish.

Kebby x

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