Thursday, 5 April 2012

Twihards, PotterHeads and Facebook wankers

Oh my!

You watch me get shot after I post this ;)

First of all, I have no preference to either of them - in fact I'm begginning to hate them both equally. I know what you're thinking: "HOW DARE YOU HATE TWILIGHT and/or HARRY POTTER" but here me out.

I don't specifically hate the books, movies or authors - I just have this deep loathing for their fans. Who are, face it, just as bad as each other. Do you know what I mean? Each one claims they are better than the other, drooling over Ron and Hermonie, or killing each other because they said they are on Team Edward/Jacob rather than Team Jacob/Edward. Good lord.

You're both as bad as each other. Really you are. Frankly, it is because of you people that I don't enjoy the books/movies as much as most other people. Let me try and clear this up for you...


Pretty clear right?

Facebook wankers, we all have our list of facebook types we hate, here's mine:

People who post of a picture of themselves with the caption: So ugly
Why post a picture if you hate it or don't think you look good in it? Seriously what is the point? Imagine what all the none attention seeking twits think when someone gorgeous posts a picture with the caption 'So ugly' .... I'm sure you and your never-been-single-for-more-tha
n-a-week-flat-stomach-beautifulness make everyone else feel so much better about themselves -.-
You should be shot.
Like now.
Go away you obviously gorgeous person, let me wallow in my self loathing while eating stupid amounts of ice cream.
People who contradict themselves in status's:
For example: 'some girls need a back hand to the face with a shovel'
Now, a few posts before this, the same person posts 'people who post a status bitching about other girls are twats' (I'm paraphrasing)
 Gawd, I sit in front of my screen having what looks like a fit, going 'But...but you just said... omg.... die!'
People who post about every single thing they do:
Example: Went to the store, bought food
Me: ...wonderful, I couldn't have lived without knowing that, made my day that did, nice to know UNFRIEND
Barely wrote anything and I'm all ranted out... oh dear.
Kebby x

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