Maybe it's a bit late to realise that the dates are posted with the blogs, and that anyone reading this is pretty much aware that its keb vs life. I should come up with some new more interesting titles for the blog posts. Like song titles for example (Little Wonders - Rob Thomas, go listen to it, now) or my favourite quotes.
Or obscure insults. Y'know XD
So, I was coming up with ideas to write about today and came up with absolutly nothing. That was until I saw Shane Dawson's latest video (if you've never watched him, go do it, now) the one of the spoof of the song, but it was about what you would do if you only had one day left to live.
I reckon with almost 100% certainty, that a lot of people who cry when told the news that they only had one day left to live. I would too. Like crazy sobbing all over everywhere. But hypothetically in my head I get over it pretty quickly and then the wild crazy partying would start (with all of my two friends) as you know, I'd wanna go out of the world with a massive bang, and not a pathetic flop.
Also, I would call everyone I had ever hated at all in my life and tell them that I hated them, and that when I saw God, I'd remember to put a bad word in for them before he smited me and sent me to hell.
It kind of made me think, who would I want to spend my last day on Earth with? My family obviously, and my friends who are awesome. It would kind of majorly bum me out, because as of today I've decided that I quite like living - in the breathing sense, not in the I actually have a life sense.
I'm not going to waste it bitching about everything that's going wrong in my life... except for on here, and that's only because I amuse myself and think it's funny. So, person who reads this, what would you do on your last day? Who would you call? What would you say? What are you waiting for?
Get calling idiots <3
But anyway, it's late. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Kebby x
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