Saturday, 3 March 2012

People throw rocks at things that shine

Taylor Swift FTW

But no, serious time (with a few badly placed insults/jokes)

In comparison to some people I've had a relativly easy life, no one close to me has died, my parents are still together, I have the stereotypically annoying little sister but really she's amazing. I might not be an Einstein in school but I'm not failing, we have enough money to have what could be considered a comfy life, three sky boxes, at least one of every game console (except for Xbox, because playstation is clearly winner) and we each have a laptop.

I mean yeah, I got bullied a lot as I was growing up. the strange thing is that it actually got better after I came out, which if you can explain then all the power to you.

So maybe I don't know what it's like to have a life where nothing is easy and nothing seems to come your way. I went through a period where I would make up excuses to hurt myself because I felt that I didn't deserve to have a life that was so much easier than some of my friends whose lives compared to mine are pretty bad. It's not to say the reasons didn't exist or that I lied because I didn't and I don't lie (often) but I blew them way out of proportion.

What I'm trying to say is, I know I take the piss out of a lot of things and y'know I may not be the nicest person in the world but I try. I stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves and I try to be a nice person who gives everyone that second chance (and if anyone readss this and needs someone to talk to, sometimes a stranger is the best person, email me:

I know people who have consdered suicide, and in my opinion, it can never get so bad that you have to take your own life. I know it feels that way and if I say 'It'll get better' you'll probably slap me so hard my grandchildren will feel it. But trust me, it does. I got bullied to breakdown in the middle of lessons status, but I didn't give up and now I have an amzing circle of friends I wouldn't give up for the world, and I'm getting on - I have a future.

I know what I'm talking about, me and a couple of my friends had to grow up a lot in a very short amount of time, and no one should have to go through that.

Choose a family, choose friends, choose to read this very Trainspotting esq ending to my blog, choose school, choose a good job, choose good friends, choose to ignore haters, choose to hire those kinds of people who bullied you, choose to fire them afterwards, choose love, choose hope, choose life

You might not know my personally, but I love you anyway.

Kebby <3

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