I so wish I was being dramatic, kind of like most of the new shit shows we have on TV nowadays. Example? These real life sobby shitty sad stories where you get a camera and follow a celebrity though their lives. Do you know what I mean? Like that Katie Price one, and the Peter Andre one. What really bugs be about Andres one is his advert: "And I know you wanna know who I've been dating!" ....actually no, I didn't even... never even crossed my mind. I couldn't give a shit who you've been dating y'know. They only want you for your money anyway.
As a guilty pleasure I will admit to watching and enjoying Glee, however if it was replaced with something else, such as something with a plausable story line and indepth 3D characters, I wouldn't cry over it.
What happened to the good TV shows? Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, like House M.D, like M.A.S.H, like How I met your mother, like Friends. Stuff that was amazing and will live on forever in the boxsets of devoted fans? Jesus, is it so much to ask that while I'm channel flicking I don't see this:
Soap opera, cooking show, cooking show, reality TV, celebrity, Soap opera (and repeat)
Movies are just as bad.
Is it just me? Am I the only one who thinks that the TV guide is filled with absolute twaddle? It can't be surely.
I don't give two flying fucks about what some celebrity had for dinner last night, I want to watch a true to life TV show with Drama, Romance and a FUCKING PLAUSABLE STORY LINE with charcters that aren't just there to tick a box and let some teenager slot themselves into said character. I want role modals and realistic dreams. Not rubbish.
Kebby x
Thursday, 12 April 2012
TV shows that make me want to dig my brains out with a blunt spoon
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Twihards, PotterHeads and Facebook wankers
Oh my!
You watch me get shot after I post this ;)
First of all, I have no preference to either of them - in fact I'm begginning to hate them both equally. I know what you're thinking: "HOW DARE YOU HATE TWILIGHT and/or HARRY POTTER" but here me out.
I don't specifically hate the books, movies or authors - I just have this deep loathing for their fans. Who are, face it, just as bad as each other. Do you know what I mean? Each one claims they are better than the other, drooling over Ron and Hermonie, or killing each other because they said they are on Team Edward/Jacob rather than Team Jacob/Edward. Good lord.
You're both as bad as each other. Really you are. Frankly, it is because of you people that I don't enjoy the books/movies as much as most other people. Let me try and clear this up for you...
Pretty clear right?
Facebook wankers, we all have our list of facebook types we hate, here's mine:
People who post of a picture of themselves with the caption: So ugly
Why post a picture if you hate it or don't think you look good in it? Seriously what is the point? Imagine what all the none attention seeking twits think when someone gorgeous posts a picture with the caption 'So ugly' .... I'm sure you and your never-been-single-for-more-tha
n-a-week-flat-stomach-beautifu lness make everyone else feel so much better about themselves -.-
You watch me get shot after I post this ;)
First of all, I have no preference to either of them - in fact I'm begginning to hate them both equally. I know what you're thinking: "HOW DARE YOU HATE TWILIGHT and/or HARRY POTTER" but here me out.
I don't specifically hate the books, movies or authors - I just have this deep loathing for their fans. Who are, face it, just as bad as each other. Do you know what I mean? Each one claims they are better than the other, drooling over Ron and Hermonie, or killing each other because they said they are on Team Edward/Jacob rather than Team Jacob/Edward. Good lord.
You're both as bad as each other. Really you are. Frankly, it is because of you people that I don't enjoy the books/movies as much as most other people. Let me try and clear this up for you...
Pretty clear right?
Facebook wankers, we all have our list of facebook types we hate, here's mine:
People who post of a picture of themselves with the caption: So ugly
Why post a picture if you hate it or don't think you look good in it? Seriously what is the point? Imagine what all the none attention seeking twits think when someone gorgeous posts a picture with the caption 'So ugly' .... I'm sure you and your never-been-single-for-more-tha
You should be shot.
Like now.
Go away you obviously gorgeous person, let me wallow in my self loathing while eating stupid amounts of ice cream.
People who contradict themselves in status's:
For example: 'some girls need a back hand to the face with a shovel'
Now, a few posts before this, the same person posts 'people who post a status bitching about other girls are twats' (I'm paraphrasing)
Gawd, I sit in front of my screen having what looks like a fit, going 'But...but you just said... omg.... die!'
People who post about every single thing they do:
Example: Went to the store, bought food
Me: ...wonderful, I couldn't have lived without knowing that, made my day that did, nice to know UNFRIEND
Barely wrote anything and I'm all ranted out... oh dear.
Kebby x
Saturday, 3 March 2012
People throw rocks at things that shine
Taylor Swift FTW
But no, serious time (with a few badly placed insults/jokes)
In comparison to some people I've had a relativly easy life, no one close to me has died, my parents are still together, I have the stereotypically annoying little sister but really she's amazing. I might not be an Einstein in school but I'm not failing, we have enough money to have what could be considered a comfy life, three sky boxes, at least one of every game console (except for Xbox, because playstation is clearly winner) and we each have a laptop.
I mean yeah, I got bullied a lot as I was growing up. the strange thing is that it actually got better after I came out, which if you can explain then all the power to you.
So maybe I don't know what it's like to have a life where nothing is easy and nothing seems to come your way. I went through a period where I would make up excuses to hurt myself because I felt that I didn't deserve to have a life that was so much easier than some of my friends whose lives compared to mine are pretty bad. It's not to say the reasons didn't exist or that I lied because I didn't and I don't lie (often) but I blew them way out of proportion.
What I'm trying to say is, I know I take the piss out of a lot of things and y'know I may not be the nicest person in the world but I try. I stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves and I try to be a nice person who gives everyone that second chance (and if anyone readss this and needs someone to talk to, sometimes a stranger is the best person, email me: katieelizabethberwick@hotmail.co.uk)
I know people who have consdered suicide, and in my opinion, it can never get so bad that you have to take your own life. I know it feels that way and if I say 'It'll get better' you'll probably slap me so hard my grandchildren will feel it. But trust me, it does. I got bullied to breakdown in the middle of lessons status, but I didn't give up and now I have an amzing circle of friends I wouldn't give up for the world, and I'm getting on - I have a future.
I know what I'm talking about, me and a couple of my friends had to grow up a lot in a very short amount of time, and no one should have to go through that.
Choose a family, choose friends, choose to read this very Trainspotting esq ending to my blog, choose school, choose a good job, choose good friends, choose to ignore haters, choose to hire those kinds of people who bullied you, choose to fire them afterwards, choose love, choose hope, choose life
You might not know my personally, but I love you anyway.
Kebby <3
But no, serious time (with a few badly placed insults/jokes)
In comparison to some people I've had a relativly easy life, no one close to me has died, my parents are still together, I have the stereotypically annoying little sister but really she's amazing. I might not be an Einstein in school but I'm not failing, we have enough money to have what could be considered a comfy life, three sky boxes, at least one of every game console (except for Xbox, because playstation is clearly winner) and we each have a laptop.
I mean yeah, I got bullied a lot as I was growing up. the strange thing is that it actually got better after I came out, which if you can explain then all the power to you.
So maybe I don't know what it's like to have a life where nothing is easy and nothing seems to come your way. I went through a period where I would make up excuses to hurt myself because I felt that I didn't deserve to have a life that was so much easier than some of my friends whose lives compared to mine are pretty bad. It's not to say the reasons didn't exist or that I lied because I didn't and I don't lie (often) but I blew them way out of proportion.
What I'm trying to say is, I know I take the piss out of a lot of things and y'know I may not be the nicest person in the world but I try. I stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves and I try to be a nice person who gives everyone that second chance (and if anyone readss this and needs someone to talk to, sometimes a stranger is the best person, email me: katieelizabethberwick@hotmail.co.uk)
I know people who have consdered suicide, and in my opinion, it can never get so bad that you have to take your own life. I know it feels that way and if I say 'It'll get better' you'll probably slap me so hard my grandchildren will feel it. But trust me, it does. I got bullied to breakdown in the middle of lessons status, but I didn't give up and now I have an amzing circle of friends I wouldn't give up for the world, and I'm getting on - I have a future.
I know what I'm talking about, me and a couple of my friends had to grow up a lot in a very short amount of time, and no one should have to go through that.
Choose a family, choose friends, choose to read this very Trainspotting esq ending to my blog, choose school, choose a good job, choose good friends, choose to ignore haters, choose to hire those kinds of people who bullied you, choose to fire them afterwards, choose love, choose hope, choose life
You might not know my personally, but I love you anyway.
Kebby <3
Sunday, 5 February 2012
These little wonders
Maybe it's a bit late to realise that the dates are posted with the blogs, and that anyone reading this is pretty much aware that its keb vs life. I should come up with some new more interesting titles for the blog posts. Like song titles for example (Little Wonders - Rob Thomas, go listen to it, now) or my favourite quotes.
Or obscure insults. Y'know XD
So, I was coming up with ideas to write about today and came up with absolutly nothing. That was until I saw Shane Dawson's latest video (if you've never watched him, go do it, now) the one of the spoof of the song, but it was about what you would do if you only had one day left to live.
I reckon with almost 100% certainty, that a lot of people who cry when told the news that they only had one day left to live. I would too. Like crazy sobbing all over everywhere. But hypothetically in my head I get over it pretty quickly and then the wild crazy partying would start (with all of my two friends) as you know, I'd wanna go out of the world with a massive bang, and not a pathetic flop.
Also, I would call everyone I had ever hated at all in my life and tell them that I hated them, and that when I saw God, I'd remember to put a bad word in for them before he smited me and sent me to hell.
It kind of made me think, who would I want to spend my last day on Earth with? My family obviously, and my friends who are awesome. It would kind of majorly bum me out, because as of today I've decided that I quite like living - in the breathing sense, not in the I actually have a life sense.
I'm not going to waste it bitching about everything that's going wrong in my life... except for on here, and that's only because I amuse myself and think it's funny. So, person who reads this, what would you do on your last day? Who would you call? What would you say? What are you waiting for?
Get calling idiots <3
But anyway, it's late. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Kebby x
Or obscure insults. Y'know XD
So, I was coming up with ideas to write about today and came up with absolutly nothing. That was until I saw Shane Dawson's latest video (if you've never watched him, go do it, now) the one of the spoof of the song, but it was about what you would do if you only had one day left to live.
I reckon with almost 100% certainty, that a lot of people who cry when told the news that they only had one day left to live. I would too. Like crazy sobbing all over everywhere. But hypothetically in my head I get over it pretty quickly and then the wild crazy partying would start (with all of my two friends) as you know, I'd wanna go out of the world with a massive bang, and not a pathetic flop.
Also, I would call everyone I had ever hated at all in my life and tell them that I hated them, and that when I saw God, I'd remember to put a bad word in for them before he smited me and sent me to hell.
It kind of made me think, who would I want to spend my last day on Earth with? My family obviously, and my friends who are awesome. It would kind of majorly bum me out, because as of today I've decided that I quite like living - in the breathing sense, not in the I actually have a life sense.
I'm not going to waste it bitching about everything that's going wrong in my life... except for on here, and that's only because I amuse myself and think it's funny. So, person who reads this, what would you do on your last day? Who would you call? What would you say? What are you waiting for?
Get calling idiots <3
But anyway, it's late. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Kebby x
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Keb Vs. Life 21/01/12
There will be no Buffy references in this Blog post, promise.
So I was at work this morning and you know what I've had reaffirmed? My deep hated for people. Now don't get me wrong, most are okay, passable as human beings, but others - particularry those who shop at Sainsburys on a Saturday morning - are evil soulless creatures.
Kinda like vampires... I'm sorry, I tried the no reference thing.
But I was having a very bad day any way. I was late to work (I told them it was traffic, really it was cause I pressed snooze on my alarm seven times before I actually got up) then I broke my till, which was technically not my fault because the scales went wonky and the till just hates me. The I get sprayed with Diet Fanta from the cans that my customer had quite cleverly pirced and thus, I smelt like sickly orange fruit fizz for the rest of the day.
Then I lost someones card by dropping it down the belt on the till and THEN I killed the baler outside that makes all the cardboard boxes into cardboard pages.
Except for the being late part, the rest was just because God chose today to start smiting me for my almost seventeen years of blasphamy. I suppose it had to start sometime, I'm just glad it was after my exams. Could you imagine? Half way through Biology explaining the Darwin theroy (which I didn't have to do, but this is my fantasy exam smiting scene so shush) and God appears before me all thunder and lightening.
Actually, how awesome would that be? I wonder what I'd say if I could speak to God, probably something along these lines:
"Nice starting the world with only two people and then making incest wrong, and also, the whole gay hating thing? Why create them if they are so wrong? And your devil dude, man grow up, all this testing of the Faith rubbish, do you have such little self esteem that you need to prove to yourself that your delusional followers are still you delusional followers?"
Of course I'm not condeeming people who believe in a religion. If you want to believe go ahead and believe, I think that a little bit of Faith (capitalised for another reference) is a good thing, y'know for the soul and shit.
But also, I would like to make one final statment: Religion is like a penis, it's okay to have one, it's okay to be proud of it, but please stop trying to shove it down my throat.
Kebby x
So I was at work this morning and you know what I've had reaffirmed? My deep hated for people. Now don't get me wrong, most are okay, passable as human beings, but others - particularry those who shop at Sainsburys on a Saturday morning - are evil soulless creatures.
Kinda like vampires... I'm sorry, I tried the no reference thing.
But I was having a very bad day any way. I was late to work (I told them it was traffic, really it was cause I pressed snooze on my alarm seven times before I actually got up) then I broke my till, which was technically not my fault because the scales went wonky and the till just hates me. The I get sprayed with Diet Fanta from the cans that my customer had quite cleverly pirced and thus, I smelt like sickly orange fruit fizz for the rest of the day.
Then I lost someones card by dropping it down the belt on the till and THEN I killed the baler outside that makes all the cardboard boxes into cardboard pages.
Except for the being late part, the rest was just because God chose today to start smiting me for my almost seventeen years of blasphamy. I suppose it had to start sometime, I'm just glad it was after my exams. Could you imagine? Half way through Biology explaining the Darwin theroy (which I didn't have to do, but this is my fantasy exam smiting scene so shush) and God appears before me all thunder and lightening.
Actually, how awesome would that be? I wonder what I'd say if I could speak to God, probably something along these lines:
"Nice starting the world with only two people and then making incest wrong, and also, the whole gay hating thing? Why create them if they are so wrong? And your devil dude, man grow up, all this testing of the Faith rubbish, do you have such little self esteem that you need to prove to yourself that your delusional followers are still you delusional followers?"
Of course I'm not condeeming people who believe in a religion. If you want to believe go ahead and believe, I think that a little bit of Faith (capitalised for another reference) is a good thing, y'know for the soul and shit.
But also, I would like to make one final statment: Religion is like a penis, it's okay to have one, it's okay to be proud of it, but please stop trying to shove it down my throat.
Kebby x
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Keb Vs. Life 18/01/12
I recently found this draft that I never posted, imagine yourself ten months ago before you read this:
I am in my final year of high school, and I have noticed something rather amusing. I am talking of something other than the fact that we can cut in line in the canteen and watch all the little faces of the year sevens glare at us as we walk out with the last pizza slice or whatever.
I'm talking about the difference between the speeds of which year sevens, compared to year elevens, get to class.
Also I can vaguely remember reading a Facebook like about this, so it might sound like I ripped it off, but only because it's true.
Year sevens have this tendency to jump up as though the bell is actually a gun shot and they are all about to die if they don't get to class before it rings. It's funny sitting in Art and watching them all file in, ten minutes before the first bell, and wait in a neat little line in front of the door. This and the fact that their bags tend to be the same, if not bigger, than the people who carry them.
Which is something else I noticed, if you line up five students, going from year seven to year eleven you will see huge massive rucksacks on the year sevens, then a normal size one, a shoulder bag, a little bum bag type thing, and arrive at the year eleven, who is holding one, single pen (if you're lucky)
But then you have year eights and nine who think that arriving at the exact moment between first and second bell is the coolest thing ever. To be honest almost-as-tall-as-me-children it's about as cool as walking around school in your underwear with a big sign tattooed on your forehead that says '*Our headteacher* for Prime Minister' (and if you're just that stupid, *our headteacher* for Prime minister would include imposing a compulsory uniform for everyone with a life time in prison if you fail to conform and would also include every one getting ridicules hair cuts to match his, and really, imagine him on a poster? Have you seen his head-shot photos?)
I suppose you could come back with the fact that I was once one of these so cooled lamest-people-ever *shudder* but by saying what they are, it doesn't make me not. For example, if I was to call my best friend a werido and someone said, 'you're one to talk' I reply with 'I didn't say I wasn't, I merely said she was'
You may also gather from the previous paragraph that I am also pretty lame. That and the fact I'm ranting on the internet...
YEAR 10, yeah whatever. So you walk around thinking you own the place because you're almost as cool as we are. Really it's just annoying. Have you noticed just how high pitched everyone in year ten sounds? That and the fact that they insist on walking at the pace of a dead snail in the corridor. You might think you look unbelievably cool, but you're in my way, so shift before I hurt you.
Alas we arrive at us, the year elevens, and now that the sixth form is high tailing its way out of our lives we do, in fact, own all of you. Sitting in the middle of hallways and not moving until ten minutes after the second bell, and laughing at the mortified faces of the year sevens who have to step over us who just can't believe that we haven't seen fit to move off our arses and get to class.
So what have we learned? (other than I seem to becoming increasingly bitter as I get older)
Year elevens = cool
Anyone else = drool
And yes, I did just use a rhyme we made up in year five.
Kebby x
I am in my final year of high school, and I have noticed something rather amusing. I am talking of something other than the fact that we can cut in line in the canteen and watch all the little faces of the year sevens glare at us as we walk out with the last pizza slice or whatever.
I'm talking about the difference between the speeds of which year sevens, compared to year elevens, get to class.
Also I can vaguely remember reading a Facebook like about this, so it might sound like I ripped it off, but only because it's true.
Year sevens have this tendency to jump up as though the bell is actually a gun shot and they are all about to die if they don't get to class before it rings. It's funny sitting in Art and watching them all file in, ten minutes before the first bell, and wait in a neat little line in front of the door. This and the fact that their bags tend to be the same, if not bigger, than the people who carry them.
Which is something else I noticed, if you line up five students, going from year seven to year eleven you will see huge massive rucksacks on the year sevens, then a normal size one, a shoulder bag, a little bum bag type thing, and arrive at the year eleven, who is holding one, single pen (if you're lucky)
But then you have year eights and nine who think that arriving at the exact moment between first and second bell is the coolest thing ever. To be honest almost-as-tall-as-me-children it's about as cool as walking around school in your underwear with a big sign tattooed on your forehead that says '*Our headteacher* for Prime Minister' (and if you're just that stupid, *our headteacher* for Prime minister would include imposing a compulsory uniform for everyone with a life time in prison if you fail to conform and would also include every one getting ridicules hair cuts to match his, and really, imagine him on a poster? Have you seen his head-shot photos?)
I suppose you could come back with the fact that I was once one of these so cooled lamest-people-ever *shudder* but by saying what they are, it doesn't make me not. For example, if I was to call my best friend a werido and someone said, 'you're one to talk' I reply with 'I didn't say I wasn't, I merely said she was'
You may also gather from the previous paragraph that I am also pretty lame. That and the fact I'm ranting on the internet...
YEAR 10, yeah whatever. So you walk around thinking you own the place because you're almost as cool as we are. Really it's just annoying. Have you noticed just how high pitched everyone in year ten sounds? That and the fact that they insist on walking at the pace of a dead snail in the corridor. You might think you look unbelievably cool, but you're in my way, so shift before I hurt you.
Alas we arrive at us, the year elevens, and now that the sixth form is high tailing its way out of our lives we do, in fact, own all of you. Sitting in the middle of hallways and not moving until ten minutes after the second bell, and laughing at the mortified faces of the year sevens who have to step over us who just can't believe that we haven't seen fit to move off our arses and get to class.
So what have we learned? (other than I seem to becoming increasingly bitter as I get older)
Year elevens = cool
Anyone else = drool
And yes, I did just use a rhyme we made up in year five.
Kebby x
Keb Vs. Life 18/01/12
It is 00:51 in the morning and I can't sleep. For Christmas I got the Buffy seven season box set and I have just finished waching every single episode all over again (including commentaries, outtakes, featurettes and the like) and have decided to do my own top ten favourite episodes of all time ever blog post. Inspired by the one done by Joss in the featurettes of the last disk in season seven. The ten are in nor particular order however, because just picking ten was hard enough without having to rank them.
The body
Come on, you had to have seen this episode coming. I just love the way it was done with no music. Joyce's death wasn't the hardest (most annoying?) death on the show, but it still really hit home because she was the first person to die out of the characters who had started the show. The four main scooibies can never die (they have like this writers immunity) but still. Now I do have to point out that it is also this episode that shows Willow and Tara's first on screen kiss (now you just had to see that being one of the factors) and I so love their relationship and it is by far my favourite relationship in the series - it's just so sweet - and the relationship also leads to my all time favorite baddy who just happens to be Dark Willow which leads me too....
Seeing Red/Villians/Two to go/Grave
The episode before Seeing Red and the episode itself contain some of my favorite sceens (I am talking about the one with the Tara coming to her room and being all like 'Kiss me now' and the nakedness of them in Entropy, but I digress)
I group these four episodes together because I love them all for the same reason, the Badass I'm going to kick your butt Willow and also Warren dying a very horrible and painful death - because he was one of the biggest pains in asses in the entire series (in my opinion) I also love the way Grave ends, with the song and the crying and the sunlight. But especially the way that it's Xander who saves the world with his little yellow crayon story. It's so sweet - it genuninally made me cry and it is very hard for a TV show or movie to make me cry.
You may see a small pattern emerging that my favorite episodes tend to contain lesbian Willow goodness, however this time in the form of Vampire Willow (from the episode the wish) who is my second favorite baddy in the show - though she's not a big bad. I just love the sceen where they see vampire Willow at the bronze and then fluffy good Willow in the libray and the way they act had me in stiches.
It was also really funny when Buffy tells Willow that Vampires don't really represent what the human was like after Willow goes 'And she's kinda gay' and just as Angel is about to go 'Well actually...' Buffy shuts him up with a glare, just too funny XD
Season seven I have to say is not my favorite season, I felt that the slayer for all ending was a bit cheap - in every other season the final fight with the bad guy had been a large struggle to the end, whereas season 7 went from long sturggle to OH LOOK THE EASY WAY OUT
However I really do love this episode. Again, partly because it contains one of the fisrt televised lesbian sex scenes but that is not the only reason, I promise.
This was the episode that did it for me about Buffy and Spike. Up until this point I had definatly been leaning toward the whole Buffy and Angel fiasco - but this was the turning point that made me into a somewhat werid Spuffy fan.
Also seeing Faiths sensative side witht he mayor and how she then pursues Wood was an interesting side that I hadn't really been expecting after the date with Wood and Buffy. Though I knew that would never amount to anything after the brawl with Spike and Wood.
I'll have to say that a large part of my love for this episode is because it shows a very human aspect to the very none human world that is Buffyverse.
The wish
Alright alright, I promise this is my last favorite episdoe that has lesbianness in it... *cough* I love this episode because it's one of those what if ones that make you really see how just one little moment in time could change everything. For example, had Buffy never gone to sunnydale then Xander and Willow would have ended up together (that pairing never did it for me, ever) and Buffy would have died a lot sooner.
However the sadistic Willow scene? Yum.
Normal again
A similar reason to The wish however I thourght it was very clever the way they cut seemlessly between the mental ward and the Sunnydale reality but showed both in a way that could actually have the potentional to convince you that maybe Buffy is just a mental paitient and none of what had happened was real. I mean it was believeable enough right? I mean the supposed big baddy for season six was the trio.... lame compared to Adam and Glory but the reveal of big baddy Willow was... is off topic.
I love how we find out in this episode that the first time buffy found out about Vampires and whatnot her parents put her in the mental hospital, which futher pushes the audience to believe that maybe Buffy is just insane.
And also, tara pretty much saves the day, Tara = yum (but not why I love this episode, so technically not breaking my promise....)
Season two episode six, the episode where we find out that this is the day that the works of evils tend to you know, not work. However Ethen Rayne sets out to change all (and we end up with an episode of sexy but innocent and sweet Willow *drool*)
I thourght it was awesome the way Xander becomes Army man and how this helps them to solve many of their problems in the future and the way that Buffy becomes totally helpless and dependant on a male hero. Which totally contradicts the mission statment of the show which is to have the female hero who doesn't need to be rescued before the end of the episode.
I always thought it was funny the way Joss describes it as 'every horror I've seen has the little blonde girl going down an alley and being killed by the monster, I wanted to create a show where the monster goes down the alley and gets killed by the little blonde girl'
I also do have to admit that I am a cordelia fan, yet have yet to watch all the Angel seasons all the way through, I think I got the the beggninning of season 3 and then rememebered How I Met Your Mother was one (which also has Alyson Hannigan is lots of sexual goodness (however straight and boring it may be))
I so very love this episode. (again not because in Xanders dream we see Willow and Tara is those very revealing outfits with the very sexy makeup and... moving on) I love how the season is different in that it doesn't end on the big battle but on an episode of dreams that helps to sum up just where the characters are in their arcs and lives and stories.
In Willow's dreams we find out she is scared of everyone finding out something, and that she is hiding behind a mask. At first we believe it to be the fact that she is now gay, however it turns out to be that she stills believes that she is the little geeky girl from season one.
The first Slayer also appears in this episode and if I rememebr correctly it is the first time we meet the first slayer, though how she came to be isn't really explained until season seven where Buffy goes to face off with the Evil African Magic Men people.
Favorite part of the episode? The cheese man. Why was he there? No one knows, not even Joss. He was just there so he couldn't be explained.
"I wear the cheese, it does not wear me"
Did you really think this wouldn't be in my top ten? I love the way Joss explores new boundries and that the message of this episode is that when people stop talking they really start to communicate (and is also the first episode where the relationship between Tara and Willow was decided *coughcough*)
Also the bad guys? Creepy kick ass dudes. I love their little minions, and this episode is by far the only one to come close to giving of the nightmares. By far the least tame of all Buffy creepiness.
Once more with feeling
Does this really need explaining? Did you really think I'd miss it out?
My favorite song is the duet between Giles and Tara, closely followed by the characters seperate songs (and in the commentary when Willow and Tara are in Willow's room and Tara is singing while Willow leans over her and slowly slips down Tara's body and out of camera shot Joss freely describes the sceen as 'this is porn, there is no other way I can say it to make it sound better'
I think this episode could only have been done in the Buffy world. In no other TV series could you really have a musical episode by where it enhances the story while at the same time being totally awesome
Bonus episode: Tabula Rasa
So, so funny. Spike thinking he is Gile's son. Anya (who I'm miffed that they killed at the end but also at the same time felt it was appropriate for the demon turned human turned demon turned human) with the bunnies and thinking she's marring Giles. Willow and Xander thinking they are together but Willow still realising she loves Tara even though she has no memory.
By far one of the funniest episodes.
But I also loved the ending, even though it was really sad with Michelle Branch's song Goodbye to you (go listen to her music, do it now, you can read this later) and Tara leaving the Summers house. But this allowed Tara's character to expand and grow outsdie of just being Willow's girlfriend (and allowed for lots of sexy make up sex ;))
So those are my top ten episodes.
Favorite Character? Giles, all the way, ever since Two to go where he bursts in all magic ablazing after Willow says 'And there's no one with the power to stop me now' and Giles blasts her with the magic and is all cool and swave like 'I'd like to test that theroy' *girly fan girl squeal*
Favorite Season? Between five and six, I can't decide
Relationship? Twillow (Tara and Willow) without question, though the Buffy Angel and Buffy Spike ones are very cool
Most annoying Character? Dawn when she first appears as the whiney brat, but she's cool when she matures. Warren, have a stron dislike for him. And Riley, god that man irritated me.
Best none scoobie baddy? Glory. What? I'm a sucker for sadistic yet girley baddies
Favorite moment? There are too many, but one of them is when Tara tells Willow the story of Miss Kitty and when they are star gazing, but also the Buffy/Spike moment in Touched
So it is now 01:39 and I hope all of you (one person) enjoyed this late night ramble. Leave a comment. Invite your friends. I'll give you cookies <3
Kebby x
The body
Come on, you had to have seen this episode coming. I just love the way it was done with no music. Joyce's death wasn't the hardest (most annoying?) death on the show, but it still really hit home because she was the first person to die out of the characters who had started the show. The four main scooibies can never die (they have like this writers immunity) but still. Now I do have to point out that it is also this episode that shows Willow and Tara's first on screen kiss (now you just had to see that being one of the factors) and I so love their relationship and it is by far my favourite relationship in the series - it's just so sweet - and the relationship also leads to my all time favorite baddy who just happens to be Dark Willow which leads me too....
Seeing Red/Villians/Two to go/Grave
The episode before Seeing Red and the episode itself contain some of my favorite sceens (I am talking about the one with the Tara coming to her room and being all like 'Kiss me now' and the nakedness of them in Entropy, but I digress)
I group these four episodes together because I love them all for the same reason, the Badass I'm going to kick your butt Willow and also Warren dying a very horrible and painful death - because he was one of the biggest pains in asses in the entire series (in my opinion) I also love the way Grave ends, with the song and the crying and the sunlight. But especially the way that it's Xander who saves the world with his little yellow crayon story. It's so sweet - it genuninally made me cry and it is very hard for a TV show or movie to make me cry.
You may see a small pattern emerging that my favorite episodes tend to contain lesbian Willow goodness, however this time in the form of Vampire Willow (from the episode the wish) who is my second favorite baddy in the show - though she's not a big bad. I just love the sceen where they see vampire Willow at the bronze and then fluffy good Willow in the libray and the way they act had me in stiches.
It was also really funny when Buffy tells Willow that Vampires don't really represent what the human was like after Willow goes 'And she's kinda gay' and just as Angel is about to go 'Well actually...' Buffy shuts him up with a glare, just too funny XD
Season seven I have to say is not my favorite season, I felt that the slayer for all ending was a bit cheap - in every other season the final fight with the bad guy had been a large struggle to the end, whereas season 7 went from long sturggle to OH LOOK THE EASY WAY OUT
However I really do love this episode. Again, partly because it contains one of the fisrt televised lesbian sex scenes but that is not the only reason, I promise.
This was the episode that did it for me about Buffy and Spike. Up until this point I had definatly been leaning toward the whole Buffy and Angel fiasco - but this was the turning point that made me into a somewhat werid Spuffy fan.
Also seeing Faiths sensative side witht he mayor and how she then pursues Wood was an interesting side that I hadn't really been expecting after the date with Wood and Buffy. Though I knew that would never amount to anything after the brawl with Spike and Wood.
I'll have to say that a large part of my love for this episode is because it shows a very human aspect to the very none human world that is Buffyverse.
The wish
Alright alright, I promise this is my last favorite episdoe that has lesbianness in it... *cough* I love this episode because it's one of those what if ones that make you really see how just one little moment in time could change everything. For example, had Buffy never gone to sunnydale then Xander and Willow would have ended up together (that pairing never did it for me, ever) and Buffy would have died a lot sooner.
However the sadistic Willow scene? Yum.
Normal again
A similar reason to The wish however I thourght it was very clever the way they cut seemlessly between the mental ward and the Sunnydale reality but showed both in a way that could actually have the potentional to convince you that maybe Buffy is just a mental paitient and none of what had happened was real. I mean it was believeable enough right? I mean the supposed big baddy for season six was the trio.... lame compared to Adam and Glory but the reveal of big baddy Willow was... is off topic.
I love how we find out in this episode that the first time buffy found out about Vampires and whatnot her parents put her in the mental hospital, which futher pushes the audience to believe that maybe Buffy is just insane.
And also, tara pretty much saves the day, Tara = yum (but not why I love this episode, so technically not breaking my promise....)
Season two episode six, the episode where we find out that this is the day that the works of evils tend to you know, not work. However Ethen Rayne sets out to change all (and we end up with an episode of sexy but innocent and sweet Willow *drool*)
I thourght it was awesome the way Xander becomes Army man and how this helps them to solve many of their problems in the future and the way that Buffy becomes totally helpless and dependant on a male hero. Which totally contradicts the mission statment of the show which is to have the female hero who doesn't need to be rescued before the end of the episode.
I always thought it was funny the way Joss describes it as 'every horror I've seen has the little blonde girl going down an alley and being killed by the monster, I wanted to create a show where the monster goes down the alley and gets killed by the little blonde girl'
I also do have to admit that I am a cordelia fan, yet have yet to watch all the Angel seasons all the way through, I think I got the the beggninning of season 3 and then rememebered How I Met Your Mother was one (which also has Alyson Hannigan is lots of sexual goodness (however straight and boring it may be))
I so very love this episode. (again not because in Xanders dream we see Willow and Tara is those very revealing outfits with the very sexy makeup and... moving on) I love how the season is different in that it doesn't end on the big battle but on an episode of dreams that helps to sum up just where the characters are in their arcs and lives and stories.
In Willow's dreams we find out she is scared of everyone finding out something, and that she is hiding behind a mask. At first we believe it to be the fact that she is now gay, however it turns out to be that she stills believes that she is the little geeky girl from season one.
The first Slayer also appears in this episode and if I rememebr correctly it is the first time we meet the first slayer, though how she came to be isn't really explained until season seven where Buffy goes to face off with the Evil African Magic Men people.
Favorite part of the episode? The cheese man. Why was he there? No one knows, not even Joss. He was just there so he couldn't be explained.
"I wear the cheese, it does not wear me"
Did you really think this wouldn't be in my top ten? I love the way Joss explores new boundries and that the message of this episode is that when people stop talking they really start to communicate (and is also the first episode where the relationship between Tara and Willow was decided *coughcough*)
Also the bad guys? Creepy kick ass dudes. I love their little minions, and this episode is by far the only one to come close to giving of the nightmares. By far the least tame of all Buffy creepiness.
Once more with feeling
Does this really need explaining? Did you really think I'd miss it out?
My favorite song is the duet between Giles and Tara, closely followed by the characters seperate songs (and in the commentary when Willow and Tara are in Willow's room and Tara is singing while Willow leans over her and slowly slips down Tara's body and out of camera shot Joss freely describes the sceen as 'this is porn, there is no other way I can say it to make it sound better'
I think this episode could only have been done in the Buffy world. In no other TV series could you really have a musical episode by where it enhances the story while at the same time being totally awesome
Bonus episode: Tabula Rasa
So, so funny. Spike thinking he is Gile's son. Anya (who I'm miffed that they killed at the end but also at the same time felt it was appropriate for the demon turned human turned demon turned human) with the bunnies and thinking she's marring Giles. Willow and Xander thinking they are together but Willow still realising she loves Tara even though she has no memory.
By far one of the funniest episodes.
But I also loved the ending, even though it was really sad with Michelle Branch's song Goodbye to you (go listen to her music, do it now, you can read this later) and Tara leaving the Summers house. But this allowed Tara's character to expand and grow outsdie of just being Willow's girlfriend (and allowed for lots of sexy make up sex ;))
So those are my top ten episodes.
Favorite Character? Giles, all the way, ever since Two to go where he bursts in all magic ablazing after Willow says 'And there's no one with the power to stop me now' and Giles blasts her with the magic and is all cool and swave like 'I'd like to test that theroy' *girly fan girl squeal*
Favorite Season? Between five and six, I can't decide
Relationship? Twillow (Tara and Willow) without question, though the Buffy Angel and Buffy Spike ones are very cool
Most annoying Character? Dawn when she first appears as the whiney brat, but she's cool when she matures. Warren, have a stron dislike for him. And Riley, god that man irritated me.
Best none scoobie baddy? Glory. What? I'm a sucker for sadistic yet girley baddies
Favorite moment? There are too many, but one of them is when Tara tells Willow the story of Miss Kitty and when they are star gazing, but also the Buffy/Spike moment in Touched
So it is now 01:39 and I hope all of you (one person) enjoyed this late night ramble. Leave a comment. Invite your friends. I'll give you cookies <3
Kebby x
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